Please keep checking because Alpha and other things are coming soon!!!

Pause Netflix . Try our Alpha course
Pause Netflix . Try our Alpha course
Alpha is a series of sessions that explore the basics of the Christian faith. It is a chance to ask the big questions. In a fun, no pressure, no follow up and no charge environment.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ask the big questions of life.
What is my purpose? What happens when I die? Why is there suffering?
Each session includes a short film and a discussion where you can share what yo​u think with a small group of people just like you.
We have a rolling programme over the year.
How do I sign up?
Contact us for further information. We are currently exploring taking Alpha online!!
We look forward to welcoming you onto Alpha very soon.

Difference is a 5 session course that explores what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict
and see transformation through everyday encounters.
Archbishop Justin Welby has a vision for the church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict. In a conflicted and hurting world, many of us long for our faith to have a positive impact, but in the messiness of life it can be hard to know where to start. We believe that God is in the business of restoring brokenness and transforming relationships, and that we are called to take part. Archbishop Justin has brought together leading peacemaking thinkers and practitioners to create a 5-session course to help you encounter others well, cross divides and see society transformed
Three Habits
Drawing deeply on Jesus’s encounters in the Gospels and the wisdom of expert peacemakers, we have distilled three habits that transform everyday relationships. The course gives participants the chance to develop the habits and start applying them to their own lives
Listen to others’ stories and see the world through their eyes. Seek to value and understand the other and explore the limits of our own stories.
Every person is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26–27)
Encounter others with authenticity and confidence. Build trust with others by engaging our whole selves in honesty, humility and vulnerability. Our encounters with others are inseparable from our relationship with Jesus (Matthew 25:31–46). Our fracture and mess can be holy ground where God is at work (2 Corinthians 12:9–11)
Find hope and opportunity in the places where we long to see change. Offer everything back to God, and allow him to lead us into forgiveness, courage and creativity. God is making all things new (Revelation 21:5). We are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:16).
‘When I cultivate forgiveness in my small everyday encounters, I am preparing for a time when a much larger act of forgiveness will be asked of me, as it most certainly will... I don't just forgive a particular act; I become a more forgiving person.’
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
‘What we do on a regular basis, we become… your habits get into your being; they shape your loves and longings – your heart’
John Mark Comer